Yoga is… Yoga is not…
…a path and a process to knowing oneself better …a religion
…a way to metabolize life experiences …a skinny white girl thing
…a way to understand your mind habits, emotions and relationships …something to be extracted and consumed
…a framework for relating to self/Self, as well as human and nonhuman kin …just for exercise
…spiritual …physical asana only
…a path to develop access to your inner wisdom and your inner knowing
…has the capacity to restore a deep connection to our source
…a tradition that is thousands of years old
…a way to liberate the energy of creation
…a way of living in awareness of your interconnection / interdependence
…a path of liberation that includes all beings
…a path to harmonize your heart, mind, body and spirit
Yoga can be done as a temporary feel good and it can become a way of living.
Yoga can be done to feel better in your body and it can become deeply healing.
Yoga can be done to know your body/mind better and it can become transformative of all of your relationships.
Yoga can be done to be part of a group and it can become a way to help you sense your belonging, interconnection and interdependence with everything.